Getting "unstuck", part III: start creating your dream
Welcome to the third and final installment of this series! This is where we get to the good stuff, where you learn how to finally start creating your dream.
Let's take a look back at what you learned in the first two parts of this series. If you haven't read them yet, please go do that first!
Part 1 you learned about what being "stuck" in life even means and what it could look like for you. This can be anything from feeling lost in your career, desiring a relationship, or even experiencing constant self-doubt.
Part 2 you took it a step further and thought about what you even want out of life! A big component of feeling stuck is not knowing what the end goal is.
I personally love the exercises in that post because you can come back to them anytime in life. It's all about getting quiet with yourself and working through whatever is holding you back.
And all throughout these posts and the work I do, one idea remains true: you hold all the power within yourself. Your job is to break down the walls that hide it.
So I bet you are wondering what happens now! Well this is where I get to work with you and guide you through taking deliberate action towards what you want.
Everything I share, all the tips and tricks, are things I have used in my own life to move forward.
I have gone from living with constant anxiety to now having the mental clarity in getting what I want out of life. I am a real life example of how it can be done!
Ok so how do you even make your dreams happen?
Well we are going to use something that is unique to everyone, THE MIND!
The mind is extremely powerful and can be used to accomplish some amazing things. The best part is that the mind doesn't know the difference between reality and non-reality.
So if we think enough about what we want and take inspired action towards it, it will eventually come true.
The steps I am going to list out are related to manifestation, the idea that we can think our dreams into reality.
Now when I first heard about this (and I'm sure you are thinking it too) I thought it was way too "out there" and impossible. And my anxiety was so bad how good I use my mind for good?
Well when I was at my lowest and desperate for any sort of change I decided to take a chance. In this post I talk more in detail about my story.
If this is something you want to learn more about and really work on your goals you can check out my Work With Me page to learn about how I can help!
Ok so let's dive into making your dreams a reality! For this exercise, it is important to pick one thing in your life you want to work on. Maybe it's a promotion, or a new relationship.
All I ask from you is approaching this with an open-mind and excitement! I can tell you that the more open you are to this and believe in it, the faster it will come.
For the next 30 days you should follow the below steps.
- Write out your dream in the present tense (i.e. I am promoted and making more money). This can be as long or short as you want. I sometimes find that a short sentence is more powerful. You'll read this out loud every day for a month, preferably in the morning!
- Acting as if: I want you to act as if you already are there. If you are desiring a relationship, act from a place of love and excitement. All those feelings that you hope a relationship will bring you, you can feel all those things now. Find the little things in your current life that strike up the same feelings.
- Sit quietly for ten minutes every day to connect with yourself. I like to first sit quietly, letting whatever thoughts flow through me, and then free write for about 5 minutes after, whatever comes up. I was shocked at the type of guidance I was receiving during this.
- Observe your thoughts, choose them wisely: whenever we make changes in life, negative thoughts will be louder than before. The ego likes the comfort zone, it's pretty safe there. But during these 30 days I want you to choose what you think. Next time any doubt or fear comes up try "I understand the fear but I am actively working towards a better future". You'll instantly feel better!
- Trust your intuition during this time don't be surprised if you are suddenly inspired to talk to someone new, take a trip or read a book. Once the universe knows what you want, your inner self is going to guide you. This is where having an open-mind is crucial, take those leads and see where they go!
Now I have to add in the disclaimer that this is not a magic pill. I am not saying you are going to suddenly have a new car, new job, and new partner in 30 days.
But if you do the above steps, you are changing your mindset and setting the compass for where you want to go. Once your mind starts having the same beliefs every day, you will be inspired to take action.
And those actions are what will lead you to the new car, new job, etc. It may happen in 2 weeks, it may happen in a year, but it will happen if you believe in it.
I can say confidently that I have used this many times with success. And my dreams materialized way better than I even wanted them too! I cleared my anxiety, moved across the country and fell in love all using this technique.
So there you have it, a step-by-step guide how to get you unstuck! I hope this inspired some action on your part. If you try this out for yourself, I'd love to hear from you.
And let me know how I can best serve you and what other topics you'd like to learn about in creating your dreams.
Best of luck!