How To Finally Love Yourself, My Interview With Authority Magazine.

I had the honor to be featured in Medium’s Authority Magazine!

In the interview, I share my personal journey of building confidence and finding soulmate love.

Also included is a special video feature where I teach 5 ways you can learn to love yourself starting today.

Here’s a sneak peek of the interview:

Do you have a personal story that you can share with our readers about your struggles or successes along your journey of self-understanding and self-love? Was there ever a tipping point that triggered a change regarding your feelings of self acceptance?

I avoided all romantic relationships as a young adult because I didn’t think I was deserving of one. I thought it was reserved for everyone else except me. As far back as I can remember I never loved myself. I was constantly comparing myself to all the girls around me, thinking I had to lose weight or be more extroverted. Those limiting beliefs are what told me I wasn’t ready for a relationship because I wasn’t “perfect”. So when I decided to start dating because I desired love, I wanted to be liked by everyone I went out with. I hid my real personality in favor of being the extroverted party girl that I thought everyone would like. Well turns out, when everyone likes you, no one likes you are hiding away your true self. After going on nearly 100 dates and not being any closer to love, I realized that I had to learn to love the most important person in my life, me. I wasn’t going to find that deep relationship I desired if I wasn’t allowing anyone to get to know the real me. So I went on a year-long intense inner journey of reframing my beliefs, building my confidence and realizing all the gifts I had to share with the world, and understanding what I wanted in a romantic relationship. The journey wasn’t easy but at the end of that year, I met my soulmate who loved the real me because I was willing to let myself be seen. This inner journey is what I now teach my clients and guide them through transforming not just their dating journey, but all areas of their life.

According to a recent study cited in Cosmopolitan, in the US, only about 28 percent of men and 26 percent of women are “very satisfied with their appearance.” Could you talk about what some of the causes might be, as well as the consequences?

This is such an unfortunate statistic because this is 100% brought on by our society. Social media has kept us in constant comparison mode, thinking we need to look like a highly photoshopped influencer. On one hand, I understand that humans are visual creatures and appreciate beautiful things, but on the other hand, this obsession with unattainable beauty is affecting our mental health. This belief is prevalent in the dating world, too. Women come to me saying they want a man that looks a certain way but can’t understand why they keep attracting the same uncommitted partners. If you only focus on superficial things when dating, you will not find a meaningful relationship based on deeper shared values. I always tell clients, their looks should be the least interesting thing about them, and their date. I am a firm believer that attraction is something that is built over time and it’s based on values, personality, and soul. If we keep believing that we need to look like a photoshopped picture, then we will all end up lonely and depressed. This is why my coaching is so important because I show women how to build permanent confidence, that has nothing to do with how they look. One message I consistently share with my clients is that their value goes way beyond their physical appearance.

To some, the concept of learning to truly understand and “love yourself,” may seem like a cheesy or trite concept. But it is not. Can you share with our readers a few reasons why learning to love yourself it’s truly so important?

When you love yourself, your entire life will transform. You will no longer question yourself and your decisions. You will take risks and try new things without worrying about what will happen. Look, you only have one life on this planet as you know it. Why would you do anything besides love yourself? You were given this body and soul for a reason. When you love yourself, you will uncover what your purpose is and how you want to spend your precious time. And most importantly, when you love yourself you will attract the right opportunities and people into your life because you know what you deserve. Loving yourself will enhance your romantic relationships to levels you never thought possible.

Click here to read the full interview and watch the video!


Rebirth Through Change: Finding Happiness in Starting Over.


Love is Waiting: Active Steps to Embrace the Dating World and Find Your Soulmate.