5 ways to manage daily anxiety

I don’t know about you but this year has felt like a roller coaster of events! 2020 has brought on so much change that I don’t think any of us was prepared for.

But with any big change comes the chance for growth. For learning new things about yourself and those around you.

I actually really love change. I know most people hate the idea of it but it’s one of the biggest ways you can move your life forward.

I didn’t always love change, I thought it meant that I would have to give up my comforts, become a new person, and end certain parts of my life.

While those are all true, those really do happen, I realized that it makes you a better person in the end.

So when there’s a big change at any aspect of my work, while everyone around me is usually scared about what will happen, I’m like “bring it on!”

I know deep down inside me that I am going to come out the other side stronger, happier, and clearer on my goals.

It took some time to get to this place but the biggest factor in my change-loving mindset is the ability to trust. Trust the timing of my life and what is coming my way.

And the secret to feeling trust when everyone else is freaking out? It’s the ability to manage daily anxiety.

I realized that if I honor myself and manage any worry or anxiety in the process of change, I am able to find that feeling of trust.

Having a plan to manage my mindset ensures that no worry becomes too big and I don’t get lost in a spiral of fear.

This leads me to a feeling of peace and an inner knowing that everything will work out. It gets me to the end goal faster.

And this year I really had to employ these techniques with everything going on. I was able to remain happy even though I flew across the world during a pandemic, was furloughed from my jobs for 9 weeks, had trouble receiving unemployment money for weeks, moved to a new house, and started showing up more through my business.

It was a lot! But the reality is our world is rapidly changing and I think we all need to be prepared for change being our new normal.

I’m here to tell you that you can thrive in big changes, the secret is how you show up for yourself everyday.

So without any further hesitation, here are the 5 ways to manage your daily anxiety and handle change like a champ.

1. Stick to a routine- this one is so important for all aspects of life. Especially as you are becoming a new person and leaving old patterns behind. Routines help you find a sense of normalcy and comfort. My favorite way is to have a morning routine that I do everyday before anything else. If you immediately grab your phone and start scrolling through the news, you will be in that same place of fear and scarcity before the day even starts. Instead, try waking up and doing some meditation or journaling. The secret is to get to your calm place before doing anything else. This will carry throughout the day and you have something familiar to practice every morning. When things get really tough or uncertain, your routine will bring you a sense of comfort. This is a great way to connect to yourself and not let anxiety get the best of you. Anxiety thrives in uncertainty and new experiences so give yourself the gift of a routine and watch the anxiety lessen each time.

2. Write it out- one of the best ways to work through anxiety in any situation is to write it out. I like to call it a “brain dump” which is very effective in clearing out the mind. Anytime you feel the anxiety creep up or there’s just a worry you can’t shake, grab your journal and work through it on the page. Write out everything bothering you, why you’re worried, what the anxiety is telling you, and your thoughts on it. This way it gets out of your mind and onto the page. This has helped me through so many situations. Just seeing all my worries on the page makes me realize that my problems don’t seem as big and I can work through it. My mind feels immediately clearer because the fear isn’t living there anymore. Want to make it even more powerful? Do this for 10 minutes every morning and/or night.

3. Set an intention for the day- I love this one because this seemingly simple act can actually be very powerful. It goes along with a morning routine (you can even incorporate it into yours!) An intention is simply a statement for how you want to feel that day. Putting out into the universe how you’d like the day to go. It’s something you can hold onto throughout the day if things get tough. If you are going through a particularly anxious period you can try “Today I will use my power to remain calm and clear minded no matter what happens” or “I will not let anxiety get the best of me, I am in full control.” Maybe you have a big meeting or presentation that is making you nervous you can say “I am full prepared for this meeting and the right words will come to me.” The best part of an intention is that it can be whatever you want it to be. Pick what feels right to you and say it loud!

4. Change up your environment- Your mind isn’t the only powerful thing to help you through anxiety, your body is just as much so! The mind and body are so connected that it’s important that you use them both to feel better. When you are feeling worried, get out and move your body! Anxiety can feel very mentally isolating and like a never-ending cycle of being stuck. Well your body is an incredibly effective way to get past this feeling. Change up your environment by going for a quick walk, doing some stretches, exercising, or deep breaths. I think you’ll be surprised at how fast you can calm your mind by doing this. Use your mind and body as your best allies.

5. Commit to just today- We have come to my favorite piece of advice and this applies to life in general. So often we get caught up in worrying about the future or feeling sad about the past. This is especially true for anxiety. My anxiety tends to be rooted in the future, worrying about whether I am doing enough for my goals. I know some people get so caught up in the past, blaming past decisions for current circumstances. But the thing about life is that we are only guaranteed today. Know one knows what will happen tomorrow, in a year, in a decade. So instead of letting your anxiety run wild, commit to just getting through today. Commit to doing your best, today. Commit to connecting to yourself and practicing your routine, today. Commit to reminding yourself that you are exactly where you need to be, today.

And there you have it! My 5 best ways to manage daily anxiety and ones I use in my own life. I’d love to hear from you now. Have you practiced any of these? Or maybe you have your own ways you’d love to share.

Here’s to having your best day today.



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