3 tips for handling uncertainty

I’ve been meaning to write this blog for a while now, and I think you may be able to guess why.

We are currently going through a global pandemic, something that none of us expected to experience.

There is so much uncertainty that comes with a time like this. Everything from money worries to when we will get some sort of normalcy back.

I was traveling across the world when this all started and you better believe I was scared! My anxiety was off the charts and I was doing my best to stay calm.

We made it back safely and healthy but the fear and stress wasn’t over. Bigger worries like the state of the economy and our job situations were top of mind.

And to put a cherry on top, I was furloughed from my job for 6 weeks so I would not be bringing money in.

In the past this is something that would have made my anxiety out of control. Fear would control my thoughts and I would feel trapped with the endless thought spiral of worst-case scenarios.

But something else happened during this unique time. I decided to approach it with a different perspective, thinking of all the positive things to come from this and how I could reframe my life going forward.

And let me tell you I have been able to stay calm, centered, and even happy to be experiencing this. It took some time at first, but I truly see this opportunity as a gift.

So today I wanted to share my best tips for handling uncertainty. This applies to anytime in your life you are unsure of what’s next (not just during a global pandemic!)

My goal is to help you with the things you can control, like how you spend your day and your mindset. These are 2 very powerful things you can use to feel more peace and optimism.

Let’s dive in!

1. Create structure

This is one of my top recommendations for anyone that struggles with anxiety, trouble concentrating, overwhelm, etc.

So this is especially important during this time!

Structure to me means that I have tasks or rituals I do daily, or almost every day, to help me feel stable, happy, and comfortable.

Since I am not working right now, I’ve had to find some creative ways to fill my time with things that I enjoy doing.

I admit that the first couple of weeks I didn’t do much, I resorted to Netflix and endless social media scrolling, but I was finding that emotionally draining.

I decided to spend some time on things that would make me happier. These are what I have been enjoying:

-Daily mediations (currently I am doing Deepak Chopra’s 21 day challenge but there is an endless amount of free meditations out there)

-Journaling and writing, this is how I connect with myself and thoughts.

-Daily walks or runs outside, getting sunshine and letting go of pent up energy. This is hugely important in managing anxiety!

-Researching new skills or concepts I want to learn, my latest interest is natural skincare.

-Eating healthy and trying new recipes. I know it’s tough to get fresh ingredients right now but always work with what you got!

I find joy in having some structure and comfort, and it keeps me off the endless news cycle.

What are some new habits or rituals you can introduce during this time?

2. Remain in the present

During a time like this, it is very easy for our minds to think about worst-case scenarios.

I’m sure you’ve had some of the following thoughts: this will never end, I am going to get sick, someone I love is going to get sick, I’ll never find a job, money is going to be scarce, etc.

While I understand the important of being realistic and prepared for these events, there is nothing positive that comes from constant worry.

More than ever we need to take this time day by day. Worrying about the future will only cause more tension.

Something I like to do daily is checking in with myself (see point above about daily rituals).

Whether it is through journaling, mediation, exercise, gratitude list, etc.

My worries go away when I remind myself of my reality. Even if you are in a tough situation right now, you can still focus on the now.

Here’s a little exercise to get you in the present time:

Take 5 minutes and write out everything that is going on and true for you. For me I am most grateful that myself and loved ones are healthy, I have a place to live and healthy food to eat, I have an incredibly supportive partner during a time of me not working, I get to take a break from life to recenter myself, I get to talk to friends more.

Take some time today to do this quick exercise and I know that it will help those worries go away!

3. Reframe this unique time

I love this last tip and one that I have been enjoying.

Even though I was worried about this pandemic and the health of people, I was also really looking forward to it.

When else would I get to take a break from life? Probably never.

I am an introvert that needs down time to recharge so this was going to be like the ultimate boost!

Sleeping in later, longer walks outside with my dogs, catching up on the latest shows, playing virtual games with friends all over the country, more time with my boyfriend, more space to be creative.

Seeing this time as a gift has really put things in perspective for me. And I’m sure you’ve read about all the wonderful effects it has had on nature.

I am a firm believer in everything happening for a reason, and this is no different.

Our modern life was so fast paced with a million things wanting our attention every second. It was unsustainable and exhausting.

So the real question is, how can you reframe this time for you? What can you learn from it and what habits do you want to form for the future?


So there they are, my 3 best tips for handling uncertainty. I hope you have found some things you can incorporate in your own life.

Of course I am not perfect at this, there are definitely days I sit on the couch and eat snacks!

But I am finding myself more often than not wanting to take care of myself, mentally and physically, as we head into a new way of living.

I’d love to hear the things you are doing to stay happy during this time. Be compassionate with yourself and others, we will get through it!



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