The Most Influential Resource You Own
When it comes to creating and living your dream life, there is one resource within you that will be the most influential on your journey.
And it’s not something you have to go out and get or even learn. In fact, it’s a resource that you have owned throughout your entire life. It will continue to be with you forever, in this lifetime and the next. What I am referring to is quite simple.
The most influential resource you have is your relationship to self.
Relationship to self simply means how much do you respect and support yourself? Because if you don’t, life can’t support your back. When you trust, accept, befriend, and cheer on yourself, then life opens up in ways you cannot imagine.
The reason why relationship to self is so important is because you possess an innate wisdom deep down inside you. But unfortunately most people are too distracted or worried to tap into this powerful knowledge. When you build a strong relationship to self, you are able to lean back and trust this voice. You trust that the insights and goals that are given to you are real and you make them a reality for yourself.
Can you think of anyone you know that has a strong relationship to self? They are confident in who they are and share their insights often. They have fun in life and don’t take anything too seriously. They make you feel more inspired when you are around them. They offer great advice and you trust what they say. They are also grounded enough to know they can change their mind at any point.
Those are the people that have a strong relationship to themselves. Life seems to just open up and get better for these type of people. That’s because this is the reality they have created from themselves once they learned to trust their intuition.
So this all seems like an amazing way to live, but why do so many people struggle in this area?
Well unfortunately society and modern marketing has made it seem like the average person cannot trust themselves. That they have to keep buying things or filling a void because they believe that will bring them more fulfillment. So they keep going after new products or the next big thing in order to uplift themselves. These are the type of people that make great consumers, and companies know this.
If you find yourself feeling guilty or worried that you may be stuck in that same mindset, the great news is that you can build a strong relationship to self at anytime. You can start to trust yourself and accept the wisdom you have. You can start to follow the clues and notice the synchronicities that reassure you are on the right path.
The beauty of this resource is that it can look different for everyone. That’s because we are all unique individuals with our own life paths and purposes. That’s why building this relationship is so important because you are going to learn so much about yourself in the process. You can start to design a life that feels good to you.
Here are some ways you can start to build a strong relationship to yourself:
Knowing your values and living by them. We all have different wants, needs, goals, and strengths in life. That’s why it’s crucial for you to know what your own personal values are about the type of life you wish to live. From there you are ale to attract the right people and opportunities into your life.
Surrounding yourself with inspiring people. When you surround yourself with people that match with your values, it is easier to keep your inspiration high. This is why that saying “you are the 5 people you surround yourself with” is so true. Spend time around those you wish to emulate.
Setting goals and working towards them. This is so important when you are building confidence and learning to trust yourself. When you can set big goals and go after them, you start to realize what you are capable of. You know that no matter what happens in the outcome, that you’ll be stronger from the journey.
Expressing your boundaries. Setting boundaries is what will help you listen to your innate wisdom. When you can tune out all the external forces and spend more time alone, you can start to hear this inner voice. Let the people around you know what you need in order to be your best self.
Sharing gratitude for your life daily. Gratitude is an overlooked aspect of creating your dream life and living your purpose. Most people are so focused on the end goal that they forget to see the beauty in all that they have already created. What you focus on grows, so start to acknowledge all the amazing things you have in your life.
Finding a routine that raises your vibration. When you raise your vibration frequency, life starts to appear more magical and exciting. You are more happy than not, you open up new possibilities, and you can have more fun. Craft a daily or weekly routine that makes you feel your best and raises your frequency.
Committing to growth, always. This is probably the #1 thing that will determine how your life and mindset will be. When you commit to growth no matter what happens, you will become stronger and more confident. You know that life is happening for you, not to you, and that there is nothing to worry about or fear. That even if something unexpected happens, you will continue to get to know yourself deeper.
When you have a solid relationship to self, you can go after the life you desire with full confidence. The opinions and judgments from other people will not even cross your mind. Life will start opening up in ways you haven’t even imagined possible. New people and opportunities will present themselves. Magic will literally unfold.
Are you ready to be unstoppable? Start by getting to know the person in the mirror.