How Do I Know He’s in Love With Me? 8 Signs to Look For.

The early days of dating someone new can feel exciting and confusing at the same time. The exhilaration of meeting a compatible man you are attracted to while also figuring out what’s in store for the future can be an emotional rollercoaster. That comes with the territory of falling in love.

There were many times when I thought I was building a real relationship with a man only to be ghosted weeks later. Or the relationship would fizzle out early on because it was just based on the physical attraction that eventually lost its spark. Many days I even questioned if I would ever find that deep love I desired.

But after doing some soul-searching and discerning what I desired in a relationship and in a man, I decided to date differently. I remained true to my values and only dated people who aligned with those values.

When I met and started to date my now husband, things just felt different. Sure there was still some early-day confusion and doubts, as with any new relationship. But as time went on, things felt easy and right. His actions and words aligned, and I knew I could fully trust him and that he felt the same way. I would smile when I saw his name pop up on my phone and get excited to plan our next date. 

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