Here Are 7 Reassuring Reminders for When Life Feels Against You

This article was originally published on Medium.

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3 days before our wedding my husband had to have emergency surgery. It was one of the most traumatic days of my life. My brain couldn’t fully process all the emotions I was feeling.

The time felt particularly scary because I had to confront a lifelong fear I carried. See for as long as I can remember I have been terrified of something bad happening to a loved one.

My anxiety would think of all the worst-case scenarios as to what could happen.

As a child, I carried this fear about my parents. I would be terrified to be away from them as I thought something bad would happen. As a young kid, I felt as if I always had to have a watchful eye on the people I cared about the most.

This fear stayed with me well throughout high school and college. Even though I wanted to go out and experience the world, I still had a lingering fear.

While I was able to be adventurous and even live in a different country for some time, the fear was still buried in my subconscious.

So when we were hit with the news that my husband had to have surgery, and he had to have it right then, this fear made itself known.

My anxiety became the loudest its ever been and I quickly started to think of the worst-case scenario. I had no control over the situation and that was extremely painful for me.

But I realized at that moment I had no other choice but to surrender. There was literally nothing I could do except provide love and support to this person I cared about deeply.

I had to fully trust that the surgeon knew what he was doing. I had to sit back in the waiting room, trusting that he would be okay.

See that’s the thing about deep-rooted fears. The subconscious mind resurfaces them when it knows that we can handle them.

The subconscious mind knows when we are ready to heal, whether we agree or not. That traumatic and emotional day was my time to address what I have been suppressing.

And now looking back on that time I am so incredibly grateful for it. Although it was scary and uncertain, I grew immensely as a person. I came out the other side stronger and now know that I can face anything that comes my way.

It was then that I realized the tough times in life make me who I am.

Facing my lifelong fear taught me 7 very important lessons about life, especially when sh*t hits the fan.

I’ve made it my mission to share these insights with as many humans as possible, and that’s what I am sharing with you today.

Maybe you’re in the thick of a challenging season or just came out of one. Maybe you are happy with life but fear that things will take a turn.

Well here are some reassuring reminders for when life feels against you.

Oh, and my husband is now healthier than ever and the surgery was exactly what he needed. We even got married in the hospital and what great memories we have!

I promise that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Which reminder do you relate to the most?

1. Nothing lasts forever.

Life comes in waves. New life is created and ended every single day. The ocean tides change according to the moon. Daylight turns into night and vice versa.

You are no exception to the rule, you are made up of the same energy that created the universe. So this challenging time you are in will not last forever.

You will smile again and be excited about life. Your sadness will slowly fade as you find new things to brighten your soul.

This is my favorite piece of advice of all time because it’s so easy for us humans to think our current state is forever. To think that heartbreak and sadness will always follow us.

But even if you can find just a glimmer of hope in knowing that things will eventually change, that’s all you need. The sun will shine again, I promise.

2. Tough times are life’s greatest teacher.

This traumatic time in my life showed me that the tough times are my greatest teacher. The lessons I learned through facing my fear are the exact reason I am sharing this article today.

The wisdom I gained from weathering the storm is something I would never take back.

So if you’re really going through it right now, ask yourself what lessons are meant to be learned.

What emotions am I running from that need my attention? What wisdom will my future self be thankful for?

3. Life has a plan for you.

Nothing in life is a mistake, and you are no exception. The chances of you being born are incredibly rare, you are meant to be here.

The Universe has a plan for your life, whether you believe in it or not. The struggles you go through are part of your grander purpose here on Earth.

I realized I had to go through that turbulent time so I could finally heal that fear and one day teach these lessons to others. I now know that the most emotional day of my life was part of my mission.

Take the pressure off yourself and know that you’re here for a reason.

4. There are no mistakes.

As stated in the point above, there are no mistakes. Whatever you are going through right now is going to make sense one day.

Even though it was scary at the time, my husband had to go through that surgery. He’s now the healthiest he’s been and his mysterious health issues are now gone.

We can now enjoy our life without the looming threat that he will get debilitating pain. We were meant to go through that together and get married in the hospital.

We put our vows to the test that very day and it’s something we will never forget. Nothing is a mistake.

5. You have the power to heal.

The subconscious mind will never serve up a traumatic memory unless you are ready to heal it. The mind will never give you something that you are not ready to face.

That’s why the subconscious mind buries certain memories, it’s trying to protect you. So when you are face to face with fear, know that you are strong enough to face it.

You are strong enough to handle the emotions that come up for you. I didn’t know how strong I was until that time in my life.

So instead of running from that painful memory or this painful season, reassure yourself that you can handle it. You’ll be stronger on the other side of it.

6. The future is full of endless possibilities.

The fact that life comes in waves means that anything is possible for your future. I think the pandemic showed us how quickly lives can change and that nothing is permanent.

So you can take comfort in the fact that anything is possible for you. And the quicker you are able to face the fear and feel all the emotions instead of running, the quicker you can start going after your desires.

Human inclination is to run from feelings but a true superpower comes when you can face them head-on.

When you can feel the tougher feelings and realize their lessons, that’s where true power comes from. What surprises are waiting for you on the other side of fear?

7. Your life starts today.

The past already happened and the future is unknown, so why not live your desires today? The present moment is the only thing we have for certain so it’s up to you to create what you want.

After I went through that traumatic time, I realized that I am not going to hide anymore. That my dreams are not going to manifest unless I start taking action toward them.

That even though I may face challenges or setbacks, I am going to do everything in my power to chase my goals. I decide my life started at that moment and you’re reading this article because of that.

Your life starts today and the future is whatever you make it, what are you ready to create?


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