Fear vs. Intuition Part 2 - How to find your intuition

In part 1 of this series, you learned all about the difference between fear and intuition.Fear being the loud voice that deters you from new experiences and promotes shame and guilt. While its much gentler counterpart, intuition, is there to guide you to the best version of yourself.I think we can all agree that intuition is the voice we want to be following.I admit when I first started learning about intuition, I thought there wasn't anyway I would have all the answers within me. I would jump from every other person and resource for the answer before trusting myself.I thought it was way too easy to think I had my own inner guide so I dismissed it for a long time.I would come home from work and research online for hours about how to improve myself. I wasn't even sure what I was looking for, but I knew the "perfect" answer was out there.Even when I found some sound advice, I would declare that it didn't work after a short time period and be onto finding the next answer. I didn't have that trust in myself.A good example of this when I used to struggle with skin issues. I would research ways to clear my skin until my eyes hurt so bad I couldn't read the screen.I was so desperate for something to work that I wasn't even absorbing the information. I would try one persons advice for about a week then get frustrated and move to the next thing.It was a vicious cycle, I would stress from the skin issues which would make my skin worse and then stress from too much research.It wasn't until I stopped everything and started to not place so much judgement on what I looked like, that my inner wisdom showed up. I slowed down, focused on being happy, and answers started to come my way.New ideas would pop into my head and I was pleasantly surprised to find that they actually worked.After realizing that I could trust that voice I started taking more chances, bigger ones. Like actually following through on an idea I had for years to become certified in nutrition.Or being honest about the type of guy I was looking to date and not settling for anything less.I slowly started to realize that I could trust myself to find the answers, even if something went wrong I knew it was just a stop on the journey.Now that I have a solid relationship with my inner self, I have no hesitation to go after the life I want. To attract people and events into my life to bring me more happiness, excitement, and love.So now it is my mission to help you find yours too. And realize how truly powerful you really are. All that is required from you is a some patience, open-mindedness, and excitement for the future.Here are the 3 steps to start building your intuition:Challenge the fear.As stated in the first post, fear is a much louder voice that we all are used to. It is the voice we are conditioned to hear and let run our life.Most people walking around don't even realize that self-limiting beliefs and old fears dictate what they think and do.But good news is that fear is just a conditioned thought pattern and our brain is always evolving. Just like any muscle you work on at the gym, the brain can grow and change with practice.So first step in finding your intuition is you have to start challenging and questioning the fear, not just blindly believing it.For example, think of a negative belief you have had about yourself or someone else. Where did this come from? Is it honestly true? How has carrying this belief been affecting your quality of life?I bet once you really start to get curious about this voice, you realize they are just thoughts! Simply just things that you can take or leave. Think of it as passing clouds, let the thoughts flow through you but not control you.A good way to start this process is when the next negative thought comes to your mind, take 5 minutes to get curious about it. Identify ways that you can start shedding some of those beliefs.You are making room for intuition to become a bigger influence in your life.Get quiet.Along with challenging the fear, is that you need room for the intuitive side of you to come to life. As I stated before, intuition is a much quieter and gentler voice.So to start finding that wisdom, you have to literally get quiet. Carve out time daily to set some reflection.A good way to start doing this is through journaling. This is the fastest way to connect with your inner self and find some of those answers you are seeking.Journaling doesn't have to be perfect, just get a pen and paper and see what flows. Start by writing out something you are currently struggling with. What is the situation? How did it start and how long has it been going on? How has it affected your life?Once you start to identify what is happening in the situation you can start to ask some more pointed questions.How can I start resolving this? How can I show myself more compassion? What positive thing do I want to create out of this?You will be shocked at some of the things that come out of these questions. You have the answers, you just need an outlet to find them!So get quiet, grab a journal and start asking those questions. Answers will come quicker than expected.Build confidence in yourself.I am not talking about confidence in your physical appearance, I am talking about that internal, unshakeable confidence in who you are.Your values, your goals, dreams for the future and self-care necessities.This is the type of confidence that intuition thrives on. Intuition loves knowing that you believe in yourself and can carry out the necessary actions.Intuition also likes that you have compassion in yourself for when life gets tough. Self development is not about life being light and easy all the time, you will experience ups and downs like everyone else.But having that bond with your inner-self will help you remain strong during those challenges. It will guide you through the end much quicker than if you still lived with fear.In order for intuition to give you the answers, there needs to be a level of trust within yourself. Trust and confidence go hand in hand in fostering that trust.So start with small things, list out all the ways you are confident in yourself and areas to improve upon.Pick a small project you have wanted to complete and see it through. This is the fastest way to build that confidence and let your inner self know that you are committed.Once you can trust yourself to see small projects through you can start asking yourself the bigger questions and working towards your dream life.So start small, work on connecting with yourself and trust that you will be guided.And there it is, how to start finding and building on your intuition.This truly is the most incredible superpower once you find it.Be sure to come back for the final part of this series where I will detail how to start taking action!


Fear vs. Intuition part 3 - Start taking action


Fear vs. intuition - recognizing the difference