A food challenge could be your answer
If you are looking for a clean slate with your diet, consider doing a food challenge to kickstart your healthy eating. When I was feeling lost and desired change I knew I had to clean up my diet. I had no idea where to even begin but stumbled upon the Whole30 diet and it immediately sparked something in me. Now I am a person that prefers a set of rules and guidelines when I'm first starting something. This plan tells you exactly what not to eat and to use creativity with the foods you can include. Now this is not touted as a weight loss plan- it is 30 days to completely change your relationship with food. And I can safely say that this program completely changed my life and I wouldn't be so passionate about food if I had not found the challenge. Here are some details about the plan and why I believe in it.
You will eat plenty of food on this plan
This is by no means a starvation diet- no counting points, no tracking calories, no weighing- just eating whole, nutrient dense foods. I lived in such a environment of restriction around food that I didn't even know how to properly nourish myself. It wasn't until I started to eat more satisfying meals that I felt better than ever before. The basic framework on this plan is to eat three substantial meals with protein, fats, and carbs, and no snacking. This will reset your body into feeling properly fed and connect how you feel to what is on your plate. Your blood sugar will be regulated, energy stabilized, and your overall demeanor will shift. Once I got past the initial week of mental blocks and wanting to give up, I started to feel so amazing that I knew my life would be changed forever.
Get rid of the junk
Ever feel like you have some nagging health symptoms that don't seem to go away? Or maybe you feel like you are constantly craving sugar and are guaranteed to feel a crash at 3pm. Well the best way to learn how foods effect you is to remove all possible irritants and learn your intolerances. The Whole30 eliminates all grains, sugar, alcohol, dairy, and legumes. This may seem like a lot at first but it is a unique opportunity to reset your body's internal systems. I know 30 days may seem like a lot at first but once you get in the rhythm they will fly by (extra tip: cross off days on your calendar as you complete them- it's oddly satisfying!). Food sensitivity testing sometimes leads to inconclusive results, leaving an elimination diet the best way to test what works for you.
Learn how to trust yourself in the kitchen
When you are given a more limited set of food to eat, you have no choice but to start experimenting in the kitchen! Think of it as a way to jumpstart your cooking skills. Your creativity will be sparked since you have a predetermined list of foods to work with. Before I started the whole30 I wasn't doing a whole lot of cooking, but when I realized I would have to be better prepared I was motivated. My first week I made way too much food, filling up my refrigerator with premade food. But as the month progressed I started to learn what worked for me and how much food would last me a couple of days. Aside from growing your kitchen skills, there are a ton of online resources with free recipes that will fit any challenge guidelines you choose to do. So if you are looking to ramp up your cooking muscle and get healthier- definitely consider doing a food elimination challenge.
Create a blank canvas for your eating philosophy
This last point is my absolute favorite and the reason why I recommend it to so many of my friends. When you eliminate all potentially irritating foods from your diet, you learn how food truly works within your body. Of course you won't be following a strict set of rules forever, but as you add foods back in you can see how it affects you and feel more empowered in your food choices. I used to believe that I had to have a label to how I ate, but now I like to identify with a food philosophy. Eating clean, whole foods that will nourish my body and make me feel my best. I don't believe I would ever come to this philosophy without having done an elimination diet and having a fresh start.
The reason why people fail to stick to an eating plan is because they give up too fast, or their diet is so strict and unrealistic. The reason I was so drawn to the Whole 30 was because it was based on real food, and eating a lot of it. I was never hungry on this plan and my meals were larger than I was used to. But the truth is we need plenty of food to nourish our bodies and fuel our metabolism. As part of the free resources offered by Whole 30, they tell you exactly how to build your plate and how to fuel a workout. Now of course I am recommending this certain program because I have personal experience with it, but there are plenty of other programs out there. The most important point is for you to decide what will work for you and what resonates best with your lifestyle. I challenge you to a food challenge and create a new food philosophy for you!